Harald Haas gives 2014 Tam Dalyell Prize Lecture

Harald Haas gives 2014 Tam Dalyell Prize LectureProfessor Harald Haas has given this year’s 2014 Tam Dalyell Prize Lecture on “My Li-Fi Revolution”, which was recorded on Sunday 13 April at the University of Edinburgh’s Playfair Library.

In the lecture, Professor Haas, Chair of Mobile Communications at The University of Edinburgh, revealed an amazing innovation that could change wireless communications forever.

“My Li-Fi Revolution”

The Li-Fi system uses standard light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit electronic data signals, which will enable users to access the internet through the ordinary lighting systems in schools, workplaces and homes. This revolutionary invention has the potential to bring cheap, energy efficient and super-secure wireless access to the world.

Tam Dalyell Prize Lectures

The Tam Dalyell Prize Lectures are a series of lectures presented by the winners of the annual Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science.

The prize recognises an individual or group’s work in fields including hosting school visits, talks and other public events or through publishing and broadcasting.

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